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Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), Irish writer

Form is everything. It is the secret of life.

The difference

between clay and plasticine (school plasticine): While available in many colours, conventional plasticine is in permanently plastic state and can be processed even in room temperature. Clay must be heated to about 60 ° C for shaping and, after cooling, returns to its solid state. The very fine-pored surface can be machined (milling) and is held in a brown tone that is very pleasant to the human eye.

perfect in form;
perfect in the mastery of form, in which something is implemented


Plasticine was invented

in 1880 by the Munich pharmacist Franz Kolb, then still under the name of ""Kunst-Modellierthon (plasticine)". In English-speaking countries, the material is known as "Plasticine".. The Englishman William Harbutt is deemed to be the inventor in 1897 on the basis of the inconsistent patent rights Plasticine is also used in making models. However, here we work with the less colourful and especially harder clay (industrial plasticine).

the putty-like, coloured plasticine for modeling

Unlimited freedom of design!

Graduation work from the students of the Fachschule für Produktdesign at Selb